A meeting for this program was held in NPL on June 18, 2004. Following persons attended the same:

Dr. A. P. Mitra

Dr. V. Ramanathan

Dr. A. Jayaraman

Dr. S.C. Garg

Dr. M. V. Ramana

Dr. S. K. Peshin

Dr. C. Sharma

Dr. K. S. Zalpuri


Dr. Mitra mentioned about the efforts put in from Indian side and about the availability of the Indian ship Sagar Kanya for the intercomparison experiment of October 2004. The possibility of getting necessary funding for Indian participation in the ship cruise was also mentioned.

It was agreed that two sets of measurements will be carried out namely: (a) In Maldives (Hanimaadhoo Climate Observatory) and (b) from the ship.


Contact Persons:

US side Indian Side

For Maldives operations Dr. Ramana Dr. Jayaraman

For Ship operations Mr. Hung Dr. Zalpuri


For Maldives operations

Maldives program will start sometime in Sept. end and will continue till November 15 or so.

From Indian side Dr. Jayaraman will participate with one to four young people in this experiment, the exact number depending upon the availability of funds from Indian side. They will participate in the workshop as well as in the calibrations of experiments. The planned experiment coming from different Indian groups will include:

(i) Micro Pulse Lidar

(ii) Nephelometer

(iii) Aethalometer

(iv) Sun Photometer

(v) Air Sampling

(vi) Ozone and CO analyzer

Dr. Ramanathan offered to provide Ozone Sondes in Maldives provided Indian side can arrange for the launchings from there

(Action: Dr. Peshin)


For Ship Operations

Sagar Kanya will be on about 35-40 days cruise during this period. It is expected to be around Hanimaadhoo Climate Observatory (HCO) during October 4-10, 2004.

Participating Institutions: NPL, NIO, PRL, IITM, IMD

Total number of participants: About 12

The ship will be anchored near HCO (about 10 km away) in the NW side for about 2-4 days to accomplish the objectives of intercomparison experiment and then cruising around as per the given track carrying out observations. There will be two sets of instruments namely:

For intercomparison: QCM, Aerosol Size Spectrometer/particle size analyzer, Ozone sondes, AOD, O3, CO, Aethalometer, HVS, Grab sampling

For measurements during entire cruise:

a). Gas analyzers: O3, CO, NOx

b). Aerosols: High Volume Sampler, PM2.5 PM10, QCM, Aethalometer.

c). Radiation: Pyranometer, Pyreheliometer, micritops

d). Ozone-Sondes, radio-sondes, meteorological observations

e). Physical and Chemical Oceanography measurements


It was also agreed:

To inter-compare two sets of equipments just prior to sending them on the cruise and to HCO.

To alert all ground stations on the Indian side including Pune, Darjelling and if possible Port Blair to take regular observations of atmospheric parameters.

Possibility of at least a few stations of IMD’s EMRC (Environmental Monitoring Research Centers) to be operational should be examined.

Regional simulations of measurements to be attempted through modeling efforts. Dr. Beig and Dr. C. Sharma can try their models to get the gaseous and aerosol species which can then be compared with Dr. Carmichael parallel efforts for HCO.

The information related to this program will be put on both NPL as well as ABC web site with possible links on both sides for detailed information.

Possibility of bringing out a Brochure on the October intercomparison Campaign jointly to be explored.