Maldives Complementary Observatories


Kelaa is located 21 km north of MCO and is the first island in the archipelago to be exposed to unaltered air from the Indian subcontinent. The MCO site on Hanimaadhoo will occasionally be influenced by nearby populated islands directly to the north. The Kelaa satellite site will account for local island contamination at MCO.

Surveying the Kelaa site.

List of Measurements

Total Particles - TSI 3022A CPC

Black carbon - 7-wavelength Aethalometer

Aerosol Chemistry and Mass - Filters



MCO super observatory will be influenced by pollution from the Maldives when wind comes from the southern sectors. Since Gan is the southern-most island of the Maldives archipelago, the satellite observatory will measure pristine oceanic aerosols during the southwest monsoon flow.

The green indicates reef.  Only the yellow indicates dry land.

Gan - Sub-equatorial Site

Sampling Site is at the tip of the jetty and experiences unobstructed southerly winds.

List of Measurements

Total Particles - TSI 3010 CPC

Black carbon - 7-wavelength Aethalometer

Aerosol Chemistry and Mass - Filters


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